Tiberius Tunica: Design Options
Armhole drop​
Controls the depth of the armhole
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 110%
- Minimum: 100%
- Maximum: 150%
Controls the depth of the armhole
Head ratio​
Controls the size of the head opening
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 100%
- Minimum: 80%
- Maximum: 120%
Controls the size of the head opening
Controls the length of the garment
- Type: List
- Default: toKnee
- options:
- toKnee
- toMidLeg
- toFloor
Controls the length of the garment
Length bonus​
Allows variation of the length of the garment
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 90%
- Minimum: 60%
- Maximum: 130%
Allows variation of the length of the garment
Controls the width of the garment
- Type: List
- Default: toMidArm
- options:
- toElbow
- toShoulder
- toMidArm
Controls the width of the garment
Width bonus​
Allows variation of the width of the garment
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 100%
- Minimum: 50%
- Maximum: 130%
Allows variation of the width of the garment
Whether or not to include guides for clavi
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
Whether or not to include guides for clavi
Clavus location​
Controls the location of the clavi
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 65%
- Minimum: 50%
- Maximum: 80%
Controls the location of the clavi
Clavus width​
Controls the width of the clavi
- Type: Percentage
- Default: 100%
- Minimum: 50%
- Maximum: 150%
Controls the width of the clavi
Force width​
Apply width settings regardless of constraints
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
Apply width settings regardless of constraints